Schulte & Co. GmbH

Battery clamps
Made by Schulte

Battery terminals for direct connection

At Schulte, we develop and manufacture battery terminals for direct connection to the cable harness and the battery. Our products are the basis for intelligent battery sensors, cable disconnectors or as a connection element for fuse boxes.

We manufacture battery terminals with different screwing angles, with external starting points, with current distributors or also battery terminals with pyrotechnical separating element. Our modern forging technology offers a high geometric design freedom, high mechanical stability and a long reliability of the products. Our high-performance machining centers enable the production of very high quantities with consistent quality.



On our forging presses, we mainly manufacture battery terminals and also a wide range of special components (cable lugs, connectors, etc.), which are difficult to realize in this geometry and compactness with other processes. Our state-of-the-art assembly technology with integrated testing ensures 100% quality.

Modern punching and bending technology

We can realize attractive part prices with high weight savings by using stamping technology. For higher volumes, we will be happy to develop the right battery terminal in stamping-bending technology specifically for your application on the basis of our preliminary developments.

Special technical solutions are also possible - for example, stainless steel screw elements, specially coated components or even magnetized products are used.
We also have the right product for the increasing demands on the tightness of electrical connections in the engine compartment. Cable lugs, which are made watertight by a special surface post-treatment process, ideally permit the production of cables used in splash water areas and, in conjunction with suitable heat-shrink tubing, prevent water from penetrating the wiring harness.